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This function will take a GRanges object converted into a data frame, where each row corresponds to a Variable Methylated Region. Then, it computes the pairwise correlation of the probes of each VMR and reports its median pairwise probe correlation.


medCorVMR(VMR_df, methylation_data)



GRanges object converted to a data frame. Must contain the following columns: "seqnames", "start", "end" (all of which are produced automatically when doing the object conversion) and "probes" (containing a list in which each element contains a vector with the probes constituting the VMR).


A data frame containing M or B values, with samples as columns and probes as rows. Data is expected to have already passed through quality control and cleaning steps.


A data frame like VMR_df with an extra column per region containing the median pairwise correlation.


This function supports parallel computing for increased speed. To do so, you have to set the parallel backend in your R session before running the function (e.g., doFuture::registerDoFuture()) and then the evaluation strategy (e.g., future::plan(multisession)). After that, the function can be run as usual. It is recommended to also set options(future.globals.maxSize= +Inf).